Flumazenil used for antagonizing the central effects of midazolam and diazepam in outpatients

In a double–blind, randomized trial, the efficacy and safety of flumazenil, a benzodiazepine antagonist, was evaluated in patients after gastroscopy under midazolam or diazepam sedation. The criteria of efficacy were the degree of sedation and anterograde amnesia. Flumazenil significantly reduced the degree of sedation in both groups without significant intergroup differences. No sign of resedation was found during the observation period of 3 h. The anterograde amnesia was effectively antagonized in both groups. Flumazenil was well tolerated. Flumazenil is a safe and effective benzodiazepine antagonist which makes it possible to reduce the recovery period in outpatients sedated sufficiently with benzodiazepines for gastroscopy.