Visual Suppression of Caloric Nystagmus in Normal Individuals

The effects of opening of the eyes and of ocular fixation upon caloric nystagmus were investigated during the period of maximum intensity of caloric nystagmus in a series of 32 normal individuals. The percentage reduction in slow-phase velocity induced depended upon the test conditions, but, on the other hand, did not depend upon the temperature of the water applied as caloric stimulus. This latter fact favors the theory of visual suppression of the caloric test. Another striking finding was that a clear correlation definitely existed between the percentage reduction of suppression in slow-phase velocity and that in the multiplication product of amplitude by nystagmus frequency (P.A.F.) during the period of eye opening and ocular fixation. The percentage of suppression in slow-phase velocity is interchangeable with that in P.A.F., which broadens the practical scope of the routine test.