Volumetric Instillation of Fixatives and Inert Substances Into Mouse Lungs

Mouse lungs were instilled with various fixatives to establish the optimum volume necessary to fix the lung without distortion and to compare the efficacy of the fixatives. Fixation with either Stieve's or Bouin's fluid was found preferable to 2.5% and 5% glutaraldehyde, 4% neutral buffered formalin, and to a mixture of formalin and Stieve's fixative. In addition, a comparison was made between diluted Ames O.C.T. Compound and 4% aq. gelatin as supportive substances for unfixed lungs in preparation of cryostat sections and for histochemistry. A 1:2 dilution of O.C.T. was found to be superior to 4% gelatin in preparative, cutting and adhesive properties. The optimal instilled volume for mouse lungs was found to be 0.1 ml for every 7 grams of body weight, introduced at a rate of 0.1 ml per 10 seconds.