Apports alimentaires en fer dans une population de femmes françaises en âge de procréer

Dietary iron intake has been estimated in 337 healthy, menstruating women, of high social conditions by dietary histories. The mean daily iron intake was 11 ± 0.13 mg, of which 33% was supplied by meat and fish, whereas fruits and vegetables supplied 29%. The mean daily energy intake was 2,088 ± 27 kcal (8,723 ± 113 kJ). In 96.5% of the women, iron intake was lower than the Recommended Dietary Allowances (16–18 mg daily). There was a significantly positive correlation between energy intake and iron intake (r = 0.77; p < 10-9). Therefore, the low iron intake may be considered as a consequence of a decrease in the energy intake observed during the last decades in industrialized countries. Iron fortification of one or several foods seems to be advisable to compensate, at least, partly iron intake deficiency.