The energy cost and heart-rate response of trained and untrained subjects walking and running in shoes and boots

To determine the difference in the energy cost of walking and running in a lightweight athletic shoe and heavier boot, 14 male subjects (6 trained and 8 untrained) has their oxygen uptake (.ovrhdot.VO2) measured while walking and running on a treadmill. They wore each type of footwear, athletic shoes of the subjects'' choice (average weight per pair = 616 g) and leather military boots (average weight per pair = 1776 g), at 3 walking speeds (4.0, 5.6 and 7.3 km h-1) and 3 running speeds (8.9, 10.5 and 12.1 km h-1). The trials for running were repeated at the same 3 speeds with the subjects wearing shoes and these shoes plus lead weights. The weight of the shoes plus the lead weights was equal to the weight of the subject''s boots. The .ovrhdot.VO2 values with boots were significantly (P < 0.05) higher (5.9-10.2%) at all speeds, except the slowest walk, 4.0 km h-1. Also, .ovrhdot.VO2 with shoes plus lead weights were significantly (P < 0.05) higher than shoes alone. Weight alone appeared to account for 48-70% of the added energy cost of wearing boots. The relative energy cost (.ovrhdot.VO2, ml kg-1 min-1) of trained and untrained subjects were the same at all speeds. These data indicate that energy expenditure is increased by wearing boots. A large portion of this increase may be attributed to weight of footwear. In addition, the increased energy cost of locomotion with boots appears to place a limiting stress on untrained subjects.