Role of the Fermentation Process in Off-odorant Formation in White Pepper: On-site Trial in Thailand

In white pepper samples, directly taken from a retting batch at a pepper production plant in Thailand, 3-methylindole, 4-methylphenol, 3-methylphenol, and butanoic acid, recently confirmed to be responsible for the characteristic fecal off-odor frequently detected in white pepper powders, were quantified by stable isotope dilution analyses. The results clearly showed that, in particular, 3-methylindole (fecal, swine-manure-like), 4-methylphenol (fecal, horse-like), and butanoic acid (cheese-like) were biochemically formed during retting, thus indicating that fermentation is the crucial step for off-odorant formation during white pepper processing. Model fermentation experiments performed with different manufacturing regimens revealed that white pepper, containing no substantial amounts of these odorants, can be produced from ripe starting material by a short fermentation under water and with frequent exchange of water. The overall aroma of such pepper was superior as compared to the aroma of white pepper produced according to the traditional procedure. Keywords: Pepper; aroma; fecal off-flavor; skatole; 3-methylindole; p-cresol; 4-methylphenol; m-cresol; 3-methylphenol; stable isotope dilution analysis