Optical frequency measurements of6sS1226pP122(D1)transitions inCs133and their impact on the fine-structure constant

High resolution laser spectroscopy of the 6sS1226pP122 transition (D1 line) in neutral Cs133 is performed in a highly collimated thermal atomic beam by use of a femtosecond laser frequency comb and narrow-linewidth diode laser. The diode laser is offset locked to a single frequency component of the femtosecond laser frequency comb and probes the optical transitions between selected pairs of ground-state and excited-state hyperfine components. A photodiode detects the excited-state decay fluorescence, and a computerized data acquisition system records the signal. The Doppler shift is eliminated by orienting the laser beam in a direction perpendicular to the atomic beam to within a precision of 5×106rad. Optical frequencies for all four pairs of hyperfine components are measured independently, from which the D1 line centroid and excited-state hyperfine splitting are obtained by least-squares minimization with the ground-state splitting as a fixed constraint. We find the D1 line centroid to be fD1=335116048748.1(2.4)kHz, and the 6pP122 state hyperfine splitting to be 1 167 723.6(4.8) kHz. These results, in combination with the results of an atom interferometry experiment by Wicht et al. [Phys. Scripta T 102, 82 (2002)], are used to calculate a new value for the fine-structure constant.