Observation of the Nuclear Magnetic Octupole Moment ofCs133

We describe our high-resolution measurements of the Cs133 6pP3/22 state hyperfine structure. An optically narrowed diode laser excites perpendicularly a highly collimated atomic beam. The spectra are calibrated with a stable reference diode laser using a rf locking scheme allowing us to determine the splittings with an accuracy of 2kHz, an order of magnitude better than previous results. The magnetic dipole a, electric quadrupole b, and magnetic octupole c hyperfine coupling constants are determined. The values we obtained are a=50.28827(23)   MHz, b=0.4934(17)   MHz, and c=0.56(7)   kHz. This work represents the first observation of the magnetic octupole moment of the cesium nucleus. We carry out atomic-structure calculations and determine the nuclear electric quadrupole moment Q=3.55(4)mb and nuclear magnetic octupole moment Ω=0.82(10)   b×μN.