Low-energy polarized-proton capture onLi6

We have measured the thick-target yield and analyzing power for the Li6(p→,γ) reaction to the ground and first excited state of Be7 below Ep=80 keV. High-purity-germanium detectors were used to acquire data at five angles from θ=0° to 124°. For both states the yield, integrated from the beam energy of 80 keV down to 0 keV, is nearly isotropic and the integrated analyzing power shows only small deviations from zero. This is taken as an indication that, unlike the case of the Li7(p→,γ0 )8Be reaction, the p-wave-capture process is unimportant compared to the s-wave process. Transition-matrix-element analyses of the ground-state data yield p-wave contributions of a few percent. Under the assumption of a constant astrophysical S factor, consistent with direct s-wave capture, a value of S=(2.69±0.54)×105 MeV b has been deduced. © 1996 The American Physical Society.

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