The coexistence of theFusariummycotoxins nivalenol, deoxynivalenol and zearalenone in Korean cereals harvested in 1983

A survey for the occurrence of nivalenol (NIV), deoxynivalenol (DON) and zearalenone (ZEN) in Korean cereals (totalling 53 samples) harvested in 1983, showed that 96%, 72% and 57% of the samples were contaminated with NIV, DON and ZEN, respectively. Average concentrations (micrograms/kg) in unpolished barley were 546 (NIV), 117 (DON) and 110 (ZEN), and those in polished barley were 130 (NIV) and 21 (DON). The ZEN levels were below the detection limit (1 microgram/kg). Malt, wheat and rye were also heavily contaminated with these Fusarium mycotoxins. The results of this survey show that Korean cereals harvested in 1983 were significantly contaminated with NIV, DON and ZEN, and the incidence and levels, where observed, are similar to those reported in Japan.