Temporal Expression of Mouse Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein mRNA Studied by a Rapid In Situ Hybridization Procedure

A rapid and sensitive in situ hybridization technique is described for the detection of mRNA sequences in 6–8-μm cryostat sections. The method incorporates the use of α-thio-35S-labelled nucleoside triphosphates for the generation of high-specific-activity DNA probes and a high-stringency washing procedure that virtually eliminates background without unduly compromising histological integrity. Whereas signal resolution is less than that observed using 3H probes, 35S-labelled probes are well-suited for experiments where resolution at the cellular level is required. The method has been applied to a study of the developmental regulation of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) mRNA expression in developing mouse brain. GFAP-specific sequences are first detectable after the second postnatal day, and thereafter rise to a level that is maintained throughout development and into adulthood. The distribution of GFAP-encoding sequences broadly reflects the known distribution of astrocytes, but the levels of mRNA within these cells vary by a surprisingly large amount depending on their location. For example, in adult animals, the astrocytes of the glial limitans contain an abundance of GFAP-specific mRNA that is higher than corresponding levels in astrocytes in the cerebellar white matter, whereas these cells in turn contain considerably more GFAP-specific mRNA than astrocytes in the gray matter of the cerebrum. Unexpectedly, parallel RNA blot transfer experiments show the existence of some GFAP-encoding mRNA size heterogeneity that is restricted to the first postnatal week.