Extracellular Antigens of Nocardia Asteroides1,2

The separation and the chemical and physical characterization of certain extracellular antlgenic products of Nocardia asteroides have been described. A purified fraction retaining the antigenic activity of the original unfractionated extracellular material was prepared, and its chemical composition was compared with the latter. It was found to be composed of 50 to 60% protein 7 to 14% hexose, and up to 1. 5% pentose; no hexosamine or hexuronic acid was detected. The presence of some nucleic acie was suggested by ultraviolet spectra, but no quantitative assay was made. Amino acid chromatography indicated the presence of 16 to 18 amino acids usually found in proteins, and sugar chromatography, the presence of glucose, galactose, xylose, mannose, ribose, and possibly arabinose. Although free-flow and paper electrophoresis and ultracentrifugation favored the likelihood of homogeneity, gel electrophoresis on polyacrylamide demonstrated three major components. It has yet to be determined if polymerization of a single component is involved.