Skin prick testing to food allergens in breast‐fed young infants with moderate to severe atopic dermatitis

SUMMARY The role of food allergy in atopic dermatitis is controversial. This study presents results of skin prick tests to 31 different food allergens in a selected population of predominantly breast-fed young infants who had moderate to severe generalized atopic dermatitis. Of the 59 infants (22 female, mean age 26.5 weeks) tested, 54 infants (91.5%) had positive responses to one or more foods, 53 infants (90%) were positive to one or more of the five common food allergens (egg white, cow's milk, peanuts, wheat or soy) and 80% were positive to egg white, which was by far the most common positive test. A total of 37 infants had strongly positive responses to one or more foods, with 33 of these 37 having strongly positive responses to egg white. The significance of these responses is discussed. It is concluded that positive skin prick tests to foods, particularly to egg white, are very common in this selected population of breast-fed infants with moderate to severe atopic dermatitis.