Quantification of the distribution of 111In-labelled platelets in organs

A simple and practical approach to the in vivo quantification of 111indium-oxine labelled blood platelets with a scintillation camera and computer assisted imaging system was evaluated. Radioactivity of the 172 and 247 keV energies was measured in a phantom at various source distances from the collimator and the accuracy of anterior and posterior mode measurements compared with that of the geometrical mean (GM) method, with and without correction for Compton scatter (CS). Organ radioactivity, expressed as a percentage of whole body radioactivity, was determined in vivo in five baboons and the accuracy of the methods verified by post mortem quantification in the animals. Measurement in the anterior mode significantly overestimates hepatic and underestimates splenic radioactivity; posterior mode quantification reverses these results. Correction with the GM method made the accuracy and reproducibility very acceptable. Further correction for anterior-posterior attenuation and/or CS did not improve results materially. The GM method could readily be applied in five human subjects. This study shows that the GM method is an accurate and practical method for the in vivo quantification of organ and regional distribution of 111In-labelled platelets.