Shears mechanism in109Cd

Lifetimes of high-spin states in two ΔI=1 bands and one ΔI=2 band in 109Cd have been measured using the Doppler shift attenuation method in an experiment performed using the 96Zr(18O,5n) reaction with the GAMMASPHERE array. Experimental total angular momenta and reduced transition strengths for both ΔI=1 bands were compared with tilted axis cranking (shears mechanism) predictions and the ΔI=2 band with principal axis cranking predictions, based on configurations involving two proton g9/2 holes and one or three valence quasineutrons from the h11/2 and mixed g7/2/d5/2 orbitals. Good overall agreement for angular momentum versus rotational frequency has been observed in each case. The ΔI=2 band is shown to have a large J(2)/B(E2) ratio suggestive of antimagnetic rotation. Additionally, both dipole bands show a decreasing trend in B(M1) strength as a function of spin, a feature of the shears mechanism. The experimental results are also compared with a semiclassical model that employs effective interactions between the proton holes and neutrons as an alternate interpretation for the shears mechanism.