Canonical Trace Anomalies

We discuss the anomalies present in broken-scale-invariance trace identities which result from assuming that products of hadronic currents have a canonical singularity structure at short distances. The analysis is performed qualitatively in configuration space and quantitatively in momentum space. Canonical anomalies are found in trace identities involving two electromagnetic currents, or two axial-vector currents or their divergences. There are related canonical anomalies in trace identities involving three or four currents. They can be represented by the anomalous trace equation θλλanomalous(x)=θλλ(x)+(R32π2)F̃μνiF̃iμν, where F̃μνi=μFνiνFμi+hijkFμjFνk, with the Fμi external fields coupled to the SU(3) × SU(3) currents, and hijk the structure constants of SU(3) × SU(3). The electromagnetic current trace anomaly is related to the high-energy cross section for ee+γhadrons, and via P0T (partially zero trace) to the coupling of a scalar meson to photons. These are connected by (12π2Fσ)gσγγ=R=limit ofσ(ee+γhadrons)σ(ee+γμμ+)asp2, where Fσ is defined by 0|θμμ|σ=mσ2Fσ. The axial-vector current anomalies are related to the high-energy cross sections for eν¯e(μν¯μ)hadrons; they do not affect previous estimates of the σππ coupling made using broken scale invariance and P0T.