Between, May 1966 and May 1967, 110 preserved samples of the phytoplankton of Lake Rotorua, New Zealand, were examined. Species and cell counts have been compared with data from Lakes Rotoiti (21 samples) and Ohakuri (36 net samples). Brief comparisons have also been made with the flora of two of the Wellington City reservoirs and the oxidation ponds at Mangere, Auckland. In Lake Rotorua the autumn, maximum was more pronounced than the spring maximum. Cell numbers inshore at Kawaha Point were consistently lower than those further out in the open lake. The phytoplankton is classified as a eutrophic formation of the diatom type, with Chlorophyceae as main subordinates. Dominants include Melosira granulata Ralfs (winter, spring, and autumn), Melosira distans (Ehr.) Kütz. (spring, summer, and autumn), and Asterionella formosa Hass. (summer and autumn).