MultipleMn2+-Spin-Flip Raman Scattering at High Fields via Magnetic Polaron States in Semimagnetic Quantum Wells

We observed up to 15 paramagnetic resonance Raman lines due to collective multiple spin flips within the Zeeman split Mn2+ ground state 6S5/2 in a quantum well structure with semimagnetic Cd0.98Mn0.02Te wells and nonmagnetic Cd0.76Mn0.24Te barriers with external magnetic fields Bext7.5 T. This effect appears near resonance with the heavy-hole transitions of narrow quantum wells in the Voigt backscattering geometry and can be explained by a precession of the total spin of all Mn2+ ions in the sum of external and exchange field ( BextBexch), the latter produced by the heavy hole.