Refined algebraic quantization in the oscillator representation of SL(2, ℝ)

We investigate refined algebraic quantization (RAQ) with group averaging in a constrained Hamiltonian system with unreduced phase space T*R4 and gauge group SL(2, R). The reduced phase space M is connected and contains four mutually disconnected “regular” sectors with topology R×S1, but these sectors are connected to each other through an exceptional set, where M is not a manifold and where M has non-Hausdorff topology. The RAQ physical Hilbert space Hphys decomposes as Hphys≃⊕Hi, where the four subspaces Hi naturally correspond to the four regular sectors of M. The RAQ observable algebra Aobs, represented on Hphys, contains natural subalgebras represented on each Hi. The group averaging takes place in the oscillator representation of SL(2, R) on L2(R2,2), and ensuring convergence requires a subtle choice for the test state space: the classical analog of this choice is to excise from M the exceptional set while nevertheless retaining information about the connections between the regular sectors. A quantum theory with the Hilbert space Hphys and a finitely generated observable subalgebra of Aobs is recovered through both Ashtekar’s algebraic quantization and Isham’s group theoretic quantization.

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