Investigation of nucleation and growth processes of diamond films by atomic force microscopy

The nucleation and growth of plasma-enhanced chemical-vapor deposited polycrystalline diamond films were studied using atomic force microscopy (AFM). AFM images were obtained for (i) nucleated diamond films produced from depositions that were terminated during the initial stages of growth, (ii) the silicon substrate-diamond film interface side of diamond films (1–4 μm thick) removed from the original surface of the substrate, and (iii) the cross-sectional fracture surface of the film, including the Si/diamond interface. Pronounced tip effects were observed for early-stage diamond nucleation attributed to tip convolution in the AFM images. AFM images of the film’s cross section and interface, however, were not highly affected by tip convolution, and the images indicate that the surface of the silicon substrate is initially covered by a small grained polycrystalline-like film and the formation of this precursor film is followed by nucleation of the diamond film on top of this layer. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy spectra indicate that some silicon carbide is present in the precursor layer.