Studies on the control region of the bipolar argECBH operon of Escherichia coli

Summary Several mutations affecting the control or the potential of gene expression in the argECBH bipolar operon have been characterized by enzyme assays, genetic mapping, dominance tests and pulse labelled RNA determinations. None of the mutations involves DNA rearrangements detectable by heteroduplex analysis (Charlier et al., 1978). Partially constitutive transcription of both argE and argCBH has been observed in mutant L10 while constitutive argE transcription and normal argCBH control characterize mutants L9, LL13 and LL2. The control region thus appears to contain two overlapping operators, as suggested previously (Elseviers et al., 1972). Two mutants (L2, LL1) and strain 6–8 from Bretscher and Baumberg (1976) display an increase in acetylornithinase specific activity (argE product) without concommittant increased argE transcription. In addition, they exhibit a decreased argCBH transcription. It is suggested that in these organisms, argE translation and argCBH transcription may be affected by the same genetic event; this explanation is compatible with the present working hypothesis for the structure of the control region. An interpretation in terms of messenger attenuation also appears possible. From the properties of two strains harbouring an IS2 insertion in the control region (Charlier et al., 1978) the following conclusion may be drawn: 1. When inserted in orientation I close to the proximal end of a silent gene IS2 appears to promote a low but detectable transcription readthrough into that gene. 2. Insertion of an IS2 element in orientation II close to a neighbouring gene is not a sufficient condition to express that gene at a high rate.