Angular Momenta and Parities of the Excited States ofCd114

Angular correlation experiments have been performed on the 0.722-Mev—0.556-Mev gamma-gamma cascade of Cd114 in order to determine the angular momenta and the parities of the nuclear states involved. The directional correlation of the two gamma rays is indicative of a pure quadrupole—pure quadrupole cascade between states of angular momentum quantum number 4, 2 and 0. The polarization-directional correlation experiments show that all three states involved have the same parity, and furthermore, give strong support to the angular momentum assignment mentioned above. Hence, the K-capture decay in In114 which precedes this gamma-gamma cascade must originate in the 50-day isomeric state of In114 with I=5 and not in the 72-sec ground state with I=1. Observations of the gamma radiation directly following the 72-sec decay confirmed this result.