Optical transitions of Er3+ ions in RbMgF3 and RbMgF3: Mn

Optical absorption, emission, and excitation spectra, as well as lifetime values, are presented for Er3+ ions in RbMgF3. Previous workers have demonstrated that Er3+ ions can reside in a number of different site symmetries in crystalline hosts such as CaF2 and CdF2. The numerous sites in this type lattice are most likely due to compensating fluorine interstitials which are necessarily present for charge compensation. In a unit cell of RbMgF3 there are two nonequivalent Mg2+ sites with C3v symmetry. Evidence is presented in this paper that Er3+ ions in RbMgF3 substitute for Mg2+ ions in both types of sites. The charge compensation is not local, which leaves the symmetry of the Er3+ sites unchanged. Absorption data for Er3+-ion transitions in both sites are shown. Emission from Er3+ ions is observed from one type of site in RbMgF3 and from both types of sites in RbMgF3: Mn. Lifetime values for the S324 and F924 transitions are shorter than those normally measured in fluoride host lattices, and the emissions are quenched above 200 K. Energy migration among Er3+ ions and subsequent energy transfer to Mn2+-ion impurities are responsible for the steady-state and transient-emission behavior.