Expression of the beta-thalassemia gene in the first trimester fetus.

To determine whether beta-thalassemia can be detected in the fetus, blood was obtained from abortuses of normal mothers and of mothers with beta-thalassemia trait. The red cells were incubated with radioactive leucine and the globin chains were analyzed by radiochromatography. Two independent methods were utilized to correct the results for contamination by maternal radioactive beta-chain, and the corrected beta/gamma ratios were compared to a previously established range of normal fetal beta/gamma synthetic ratios obtained by similar measurements in pure fetal cells. In the erythroid cells of three fetuses from mothers with beta-thalassemia trait, the beta/gamma synthetic ratio was normal in two. The third had a beta/gamma ratio of 0.04 at 10 1/2 weeks, a 50% reduction, consistent with fetal beta-thalassemia trait. Two other fetuses, derived from parents both of whom had beta-thalassemia trait, were also studied. One had a beta/gamma ratio of 0.029 at 8 weeks, a 65% reduction, also consistent with beta-thalassemia trait. The cells of the other had a ratio of essentially zero at 11 weeks, highly suggestive of homozygous beta-thalassemia. Although further experience will be needed to distinguish the homozygous and heterozygous states reliably, it now appears that the beta-thalassemia gene is expressed in the first trimester. Therefore these data suggest that the antenatal diagnosis of beta-thalassemia is becoming an attainable goal.