Lymphoscintigraphy of Head-and-Neck Cancer

To achieve the visualization of regional lymph nodes by lymphoscintigraphy, 21 patients with head-and-neck cancer were studied with the aid of 99mTc-labeled rhenium sulfur colloid (99mTc Re). Four injection sites were selected; the injections were given into the subcutaneous tissue of the parietal area of 11 patients, into the submucosa of the retromolar area of 6 patients, into the subcutaneous tissue of the postauricular area of 2 patients, and into the thyroid glands of 2 patients. Lymphoscintigraphy was done three hours after the injection. The cervical regions were visible in 85.7% of the patients on the affected side and in 90.5% on the healthy side. The visualization comprised the following regions: submental, submandibular, deep cervical, accessory, and supraclavicular regions. In total, 102 nodes were visualized on the affected side (average 4.8 per patient) and 110 nodes in the healthy side (average 5.5). Histologically, 15 of 21 patients had lymph nodes metastases and 6 did not. Of these 21 patients, 66.7% (14/21) had confirmed lymph node metastases in the visualized regions. This technique appears to be a relatively easy and efficient method of imaging the regional lymph nodes in head-and-neck cancer both before treatment and after neck surgery.