Effects of sciatic nerve stimulation on ACTH secretion, in intact and in variously hypothalamic deafferentated male rats

Serum ACTH levels were determined by RIA following sciatic nerve stimulation, in intact rats and in rats bearing anterior (AHD), posterior (PHD) or complete (CHD) hypothalamic deafferentations. In both N and PHD groups, serum ACTH concentrations were markedly elevated following stimulation. In CHD animals this response was completely eliminated, and in the AHD group only a very slight and marginally significant increase in serum ACTH occured, upon stimulation. These results demonstrate that the increased corticosterone secretion which occurs following sciatic nerve stimulation is due to elevated blood levels of ACTH, and confirm that this somatosensory stimulation impinges upon the hypothalamus from the rostral directions.