In tobacco, 30 of 34 sites in chloroplast transcripts that undergo C-to-U RNA editing can be grouped into clusters of 2-5 sites based on sequence similarities immediately 5' to the edited C. According to a previous transgenic analysis, overexpression of transcripts representing one cluster member results in reduction in editing of all cluster members, suggesting that members of an individual cluster share a trans-factor that is present in limiting amounts. To compare leaves and roots, we quantified the editing extent at 34 sites in wild-type tobacco and at three sites in spinach and Arabidopsis. We observed that transcripts of most NADH dehydrogenase subunits are edited inefficiently in roots. With few exceptions, members of the same editing site cluster co-varied in editing extent in chloroplasts versus non-green root plastids, with members of most clusters uniformly exhibiting either a high or low editing extent in roots. The start codon of the ndhD transcript must be created by editing, but the C target is edited inefficiently in roots, and no NDH-D protein could be detected upon immunoblotting. Our data are consistent with the hypothesis that cluster-specific trans-factors exist and that some are less abundant in roots, limiting the editing extent of certain sites in root plastids.