For pt.I see ibid., vol.17, p.2455 (1984). Inner shell excitation has been included in the Monte Carlo computer code previously reported. Hydrogenic K-shell and modified-hydrogenic L-shell cross sections, as developed by Egerton (1979, 1986), are used. Moreover the code has been extended to the case of a multi-layer formed by films of different chemical composition. Calculations are performed for 100 keV electrons in silicon both uncoated and coated with a thin carbon film (90-180 AA thick). The thickness of the silicon films varies from 200 to 2550 AA, i.e. from 0.3 to 3.3 times the total mean free path. The effect of silicon film thickness and of the presence of the carbon contaminant layer on the signal-background ratio and the shape of the spectrum around the characteristic L loss is analysed.