Nilsson model and theU(612)symmetry scheme

The SU(3) limit of the U(612) boson-fermion symmetry has been studied in detail. By considering the single-particle structure of states, it has been possible to establish a one-to-one relation between bands in the symmetry scheme and those of the Nilsson model arising from the 2p12, 2p32, and 1f52 shell model states. The specific characteristics of the symmetry are shown to be evidenced empirically in the low lying bands of W185. Moreover, it is shown that the U(612) SU(3) symmetry is able to account for the empirical fact of the fragmentation of single particle strength from the higher lying ½[501], 32[501], and 52[503] Nilsson bands. The results mentioned above, and also a comparison between the B(E2) values predicted for the low lying bands in each model, confirm that the interacting boson-fermion approximation Hamiltonian employed incorporates the effects of Coriolis mixing in the Nilsson model. The question of supersymmetry is also discussed.