Optical emission spectra and crystal-field analysis of Tm3+ in the cubic Cs2NaYCl6 host

Optical excitation and emission spectra are reported for the Cs2NaY0.3Tm0.7Cl6 and Cs2NaY0.99Tm0.01Cl6 systems. The spectra of these two systems are compared and their differences are rationalized in terms of concentration‐dependent excited‐state relaxation mechanisms. Energy level data derived from this study and from several previously reported studies on Cs2NaTmCl6 and Cs2NaYCl6:Tm3+ systems are summarized, and these data are analyzed in terms of a 16‐parameter model Hamiltonian for the 4f 12 electronic configuration of Tm3+ in an octahedral (Oh) crystal field. Eight of the parameters in this Hamiltonian are used to ‘‘fit’’ the empirical energy level data. The parameter sets obtained from several data fits are presented and discussed. Magnetic dipole oscillator strengths are calculated for several sets of transitions, and the calculated results are compared to experimental observation.