Intramolecular homologous recombination in Bacillus subtilis 168

Plasmid resolution from a phage:: plasmid chimera was used to measure directly intramolecular recombination in Bacillus subtilis. The system is based on a sigma-replicating plasmid (pC194) cloned into a dispensable region of the lytic bacteriophage SPP1. The plasmid, which confers chloramphenicol resistance, is resolved when SPP1:: pC194 phages infect B. subtilis cells, provided the chimera carries a functional, intact copy of the plasmid repH gene. Intramolecular homologous recombination was independent of the RecA and RecL-RecR functions, but dependent on RecF, RecB, RecG, RecF, RecH and AddAB functions. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that B. subtilis has multiple pathways for genetic recombination and allow us to tentatively place the recB and recG genes into a new epistatic group ɛ.