Collective structures in the odd-Ztransitional nuclei115,117I and121,123Sb

Collective properties of odd-Z 115,117I and 121,123Sb nuclei have been investigated via Cd106 (12C,p2n)115I, Cd106 (14N,2pn)117I, Sn112 (12C,αp2n)117I, and 120,122Sn(7Li,α2n) 121,123Sb reactions, using in-beam γ excitation, γ-γ coincidence, γ-W(θ) and pulsed-beam-γ measurements. The two collective features common to the Z>50 transition region were observed; the first, the occurrence of ΔJ=1 bands built on low-lying (9/2)+ states, was found in all four nuclei, and the second, ΔJ=2 bands built on (11/2) states, was seen in 115,117I. The (9/2)+ and (11/2) band heads involve a 1g9/2 proton hole and a 1h11/2 quasiproton, respectively. The systematics of these band structures in the Z>50 transition region, which have been extended in this study, are presented and discussed in terms of collective interpretations.