Use of water by six grass species. 1. Dry-matter yields and response to irrigation

SUMMARY: The yield and quality of herbage produced by six grasses (perennial ryegrass, cocksfoot, timothy, rough-stalked meadow grass, tall fescue and Italian ryegrass) were examined both without irrigation and under two irrigation regimes. Water was applied according to the potential soil water deficit (potential SWD): the soil was either partially returned to field capacity (FC) after each cut or fully returned to FC whenever the potential SWD reached 25 mm. The swards were cut either at 3 (C3) or 6 (C6) week intervals over a 2 year period.Partial irrigation increased yields by 12–14% in the first year and by 36–58% in the second. Full irrigation produced little more growth than partial irrigation in the first year (maximum SWD, 188 mm) but increased yield by 78–93% in the second, very dry, year (maximum SWD, 311 mm). Under treatment C3 response per unit of water applied was similar with both partial and full irrigation, but under C6 the response was greater with partial (2·86 kg D.M./m3) than with full irrigation (1·79 kg D.M./m3).There were marked differences between the species in their ability to grow under drought conditions in the second year of the experiment. Without irrigation, roughstalked meadow grass and Italian ryegrass did not survive the drought. The performance of tall fescue was markedly superior to both perennial ryegrass and cocksfoot in these conditions. Of the surviving grasses timothy made least growth.