Electron spin resonance of Co2+ in Zn (NH4)2 (SO4)2·6H2O has been studied at 35 and 70 GHz at liquid-helium temperatures. In addition to the usual eight-line hyperfine spectrum from Co59 (I=72), a seven-line "forbidden" hyperfine spectrum was also observed with the applied magnetic field nearly perpendicular to the symmetry axis of the crystalline field. The "forbidden" transitions do not result from nuclear quadrupole coupling, but arise because of the very large anisotropy of the hyperfine interaction, more specifically because AgBg. As a consequence of this anisotropy, the axis of spin quantization of the nucleus deviates appreciably from the direction of the applied field, and the nuclear Zeeman interaction contains terms in Ix that at high fields and certain angles can become comparable to the terms in Iz. Since the intensity of the forbidden spectra is a direct measure of the field at the nucleus, it is found that there exists at the cobalt nucleus a pseudo-magnetic-field the same order of magnitude as the applied magnetic field. The measured pseudofield, which results from the induced magnetization of the electron charge distribution by the external field, is in order-of-magnitude agreement with calculations.

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