Cultures (37) of Vd-3 bacteria, isolated from [human] clinical specimens, were characterized morphologically and physiologically. The cultures produced positive reactions when tested for oxidase, urease, nitrate reduction, phenylalanine deaminase, oxidative metabolism of carbohydrate substrates and 3-ketolactose production. These peritrichously flagellated microorganisms were isolated primarily from the respiratory tract. When compared to authentic strains of Agrobacterium, they appeared to be most similar to A. radiobacter. GLC of trimethysilyl derivatives of whole-cell hydrolysates of some of the Vd-3 strains and A. radiobacter yielded nearly identical elution patterns. The Vd-3 cultures were identified as probable strains of A. radiobacter. A method is presented for differentiating cultures of A. radiobacter from other similar bacteria encountered in clinical specimens. Although these bacteria rarely occur in clinical specimens, the clinical microbiologist should be familiar with their outstanding characteristics.