Molecular dynamics of HIV‐1 protease

Molecular dynamics simulations have been carried out based on the GROMOS force field on the aspartyl protease (PR) of the human immunodeficiency virus HIV‐1. The principal simulation treats the HIV‐1 PR dimer and 6990 water molecules in a hexagonal prism cell under periodic bundary conditions and was carried out for a trajectory of 100 psec. Corresponding in vacuo simulations, i.e., treating the isolated protein without solovent, were carried out to study the influence of solvent on the simulation. The results indicate that including waters explicitly in the simlation results in a model considerably closer to the crystal structure than when solvent is neglected. Detailed conformational and helicoidal analysis was perfomed on the solvated form to determine the exact nature of the dynamical model and the exact points of agreement and disagreement with the crystal structure. The calculated dynamical model was furthr elucidated by means of studies of the time evolution of the cross‐correlation coefficients for atomic displacements of the atoms comprising the protein backbone. The cross‐correlation analysis revealed significant aspects of structure originating uniquely in the dynamical motions of the molecule. In particular, an unanticipated troughspace, domain‐domain correlation was found between the mobile flap region covering the active site and a remote regions of the structure, which collectively act somewhat like a molecular cantilever. The significance of these results is discussed with respect to the inactivation of the protease by site‐specific mutagenesis, andin the design of inhibitors.