The chief executive officer as corporate champion of technological innovation: aii empirical investigation

Research on innovation has engoged the attention of many scientific disciplines over the past few decades. But while some categories of determining factors (mainly organizational and environmental) are at the centre of this research, others, such as the role and significance of strategic leadership, seem to have received much less empirical attention. Using evidence from a sample of 97 manufacturing enterprises, the present study tests a model of the impact of strategic leadership and corporate context on technological innovatin (TT). The personality and demographic characteristics of chief executive officers (CEis') are used to measure strategic leadership. A number of environmental and internal organizational variables measure the broader context. Four dimensions of TI are measured. Results suggest that CEO characteristics significantly influence TI, but the structural and environmental context is on aggregate more influential. Interestingly though, in new product introductions, CEIs' characteristics outweight environmental and internal organizational factors.