A study of the relationship of diadochokinetig rate, speaking rate and reading rate

The purpose of this investigation was to determine the nature of the relationship among three variables: diadocho‐kinetic rate, speaking rate, and reading rate. A group of 40 individuals, 20 males and 20 females, performed three experimental tasks: (1) three repetitions at maximumt speed of each of the following: /p//t//k/, and /p t k/; (2) 10 readings of a standard prose passage; and (3) the presentation of a two‐minute impromptu speech based on the content of stimulus pictures. Results of subjects’ performances indicate that: (1) reading rate is highly related to speaking rate; (2) there is no strong relationship between diadochokinetic rate and speaking rate; and (3) diadochokinetic rate is not highly related to reading rate.

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