New isotopeBk242

A new isotope of berkelium has been identified through bombardments of U235 with B11, U238 with B10, and Th232 with both N14 and N15. The new activity decays by electron capture with a half-life of 7.0±1.3 minutes. The α-branching ratio for this isotope is less than 1% and that for spontaneous fission is less than 0.03%. Analysis of the excitation functions, the chemical behavior of the isotope, and the milking of the Cm242 daughter leads to the positive identification of this isotope as Bk242. A preliminary search was made for Bk241 but was unsuccessful. Examination of the (heavy ion, pxn) (Cm) and (heavy ion, αxn) (Am) transfer products in comparison with the (heavy ion, xn) (Bk) compound nucleus products produced in the above reactions revealed transfer reaction cross sections to be equal to or greater than the compound nucleus cross sections. The data suggest that in some cases the yield of an isotope produced via a pxn or αxn transfer reaction might be higher than its production via an xn compound nucleus reaction.