Stochastic fluctuations in four-wave mixing: A unified theory

A unified approach is presented for the treatment of stochastic fluctuations in four-wave-mixing processes, including uncorrelated and fully or partially cross-correlated input laser fields. The theory allows for phase as well as amplitude fluctuations and covers Markovian and non-Markovian (non-Lorentzian) input line shapes. The analogy between laser field fluctuations and molecular dephasing processes is discussed, and several types of fluctuation-induced resonances are considered. Uncorrelated input fields give rise to resonances similar to those described previously by Agarwal, while correlated input fields cause extra resonances of the type presented by us in earlier publications. Partial cross-correlations are treated here for the first time, with predictions for new effects: Oscillations in the intensity of the generated four-wave-mixing signal as a function of the degree of cross-correlation. The conditions for the experimental observation of these effects are discussed.