Mode of conjugation in homothallic cells of Schizosaccharomyces pombe.

When homothallic cells of S. pombe were plated on agar sporulation medium, a few residual divisions were usually observed before induction of conjugation and sporulation. Four cells resulting from the last 2 residual divisions were usually lined; the 4-lined-cell formed. Each 4-lined-cell contained only 1 zygote by sistercell- or non-sistercell-copulation, and never 2 zygotes by 2 sistercell-copulations. Some of the remaining non-zygotic sistercells divided once again and resulted in the new formation of the 4-lined-cell which contained only 1 zygote. The remaining non-zygotic cell of the 4-lined-cell could conjugate with that of another 4-lined-cell. Apparently, the 4-lined-cell is to be regarded as 1 unit with respect to zygote formation.