Carrier carrying capacity of one-step grown suspended carbon nanotube bridge with carbon nanotube contact electrodes: For practical one-dimensional electronics

The authors report the carrier transport and electrical breakdown behaviors of micron-long-channel suspended carbon nanotube (CNT) of carbon-based one-dimensional junction with CNTs as drain and source electrodes. The structure consisted of bundle-type CNT electrode–a CNT channel–bundle-type CNT electrode, produced by one-step in situ direct growth via a unique diluted magnetic nanothick film catalyst at low temperature. The unique suspended all-one-dimensional CNT-based junction provides some insights into recent reports that an electrical breakdown of CNTs can be induced not by the contact problem but by the nonhomogeneously Joule heating along nanotube without release of heat into contacts by the observed breakdown at midlength of a 12μm long channel. The high current carrying all-CNT junction with bridging yield of 90% and stable operation at fixed voltage level can contribute into realization of practical integrated nanoelectronics such as interconnector and transistor via junction formation of one-step final process.