NADH dehydrogenase: a new molecular marker for homoeology group 4 in Triticeae. A map of the 4RS chromosome arm in rye

Structural gene loci encoding the monomeric isozymes nicotin adenin dinucleotide dehydrogenase (NADH dehydrogenase or NDH) have been located on the 4AL, 4Bα, and 4DS chromosome arms of Triticum aestivum cv “Chinese Spring”, on the 4RS chromosome arm of Secale cereale cultivars “Imperial”, “King II”, “Dakold,” and “Ailes,” on the 4S1 S/7S1 chromosome of Aegilops longissima, the 4E of Elytrigia elongata, and the CSU-A of Aegilops umbellulata. All the results support the homoeologous relationships among these chromosomes in the five species studied. In addition, a map of the 4RS chromosome arm in cv “Ailes” has been realized, linking loci Pgm-1 (located on the 4RS chromosome arm) and Ndh-1 (17.91 cM), with an estimated distance between both loci and the centromere of 20.00 cM and 32.12 cM, respectively.