The Reaction F19(d, n)Ne20 and the Energy Levels of Ne20

The energy spectra of neutrons emitted in the reaction F 19 ( d , n )Ne 20 , produced by the 2.17 MeV deuteron, were measured with nuclear plates disposed at angles of 0 to 165 degrees, with respect to the incident deuteron, at intervals of 15 degrees. The general features of the spectra were consistent with the evaporation model. From these spectra, the energy levels of Ne 20 were found at excitation energies of 1.74±0.03, 4.20±0.04, 4.96±0.05, 5.62±0.04, 6.80±0.01, 7.16±0.09, 7.41±0.05, 7.90±0.04, 9.15±0.04 and 10.01±0.03 MeV. Some evidences for the existence of new levels at 0.65±0.04, 2.53±0.07, 8.32±0.03, 8.71±0.01 and 9.50±0.04 MeV were also obtained. The Q -value for the ground state transition was determined to be 10.81±0.03 MeV. The angular distributions of the neutrons leading to the ground state and the lowest four excited states, with exception of the uncertain states, were obtained and compared with the stripping theory. The agreement is not very good. The relative values of total cross sections for each neutron group were estimated.

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