Stands of the small composite tree Olearia ilicifolia were investigated at Pegleg Flat, Arthur's Pass National Park. Olearia ilicifolia is the dominant canopy tree in subalpine low forest and high scrub on sites with high soil fertility such as young river terraces, talus, and slip scars. During the mild winter of 1984, a stand of young adults revealed continuous wood increment until August. Average annual shoot extension growth ranged from 21 mm in mature trees to 100 mm in large seedlings. Mean annual leaf area production was estimated to be 30.8 cm2 for apical shoots and 18.7 cm2 for lateral shoots. Intensity of leaf shedding appeared to be related to the amount of new leaf area growth; litterfall normally ceased during winter and spring. Most individuals flowered each year but there was marked variation in the extent of flowering. The achenes are easily dispersed by wind and seed germination does not involve any dormancy mechanisms; successful establishment of seedlings, however, was only occasionally noted and seedling mortality seemed to be high.