Pseudobacteremia Caused by Povidone-Iodine Solution Contaminated withPseudomonas cepacia

PSEUDOMONAS cepacia, formerly known as P. multivorans,1 P. kingii 2 or Eugonic Oxidizer 1 (EO-1),3 is found in sewage or water supplies4 and is an unusual cause of gram-negative bacteremia.5 P. cepacia is an uncommon pathogen in human beings, but there are several reports of serious infections resulting from contaminated hospital solutions or disinfectants.6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Pseudobacteremias19 20 21 22 or false-positive blood cultures may result from the use of contaminated antiseptics,22 contaminated blood-culture bottles,23 , 24 or processing errors in the microbiology laboratory.25 , 26 This report discusses the investigation of a unique outbreak of pseudobacteremia caused by 10 per cent povidone-iodine (PI) solution (Pharmadine) contaminated with . . .