After having finished a broiler-feeding experiment with wheat rich in protein under industry-like conditions eight by eight male and female animals from four groups were selected on their 56th day of life and experimentally cut up. Crude fat, crude protein, and amino acids contents were determined in the consumable parts (meat, gizzard, heart, liver, abdominal fat). The control group got the conventional broiler feed only. The protein fodder parts were reduced in the three experimental rations taking into account the covering of the needs of lysine and sulphur containing amino acids, by which two experimental rations were supplemented with 0.05% L-Lysine and 0.0% DL-methionine and 0.25% L-lysine and 0.15% DL-methionine respectively. It cound be established that except the lower dry matter content of the consumable parts of female broiler in the control group there were no significant differences through the influence of the rations. Furthermore no influence could be established of the high part of wheat rich in protein and the supplements of amino acids on the composition of the muscle protein.