Dosimetric comparison of extended dose range film with ionization measurements in water and lung equivalent heterogeneous media exposed to megavoltage photons

In this study, a dosimetric evaluation of the new Kodak extended dose range (EDR) film versus ionization measurements has been conducted in homogeneous solid water and water‐lung equivalent layered heterogeneous phantoms for a relevant range of field sizes (up to a field size of 25×25 cm2 and a depth of 15 cm) for 6 and 15 MV photon beams from a linear accelerator. The optical density of EDR film was found to be linear up to about 350 cGy and over‐responded for larger fields and depths (5% for 25×25 cm2 at depth of 15 cm compared to a 10×10 cm2, 5 cm depth reference value). Central axis depth dose measurements in solid water with the film in a perpendicular orientation were within 2% of the Wellhöfer IC‐10 measurements for the smaller field sizes. A maximum discrepancy of 8.4% and 3.9% was found for the 25×25 cm2 field at 15 cm depth for 6 and 15 MV photons, respectively (with curve normalization at a depth of 5 cm). Compared to IC‐10 measurements, film measured central axis depth dose inside the lung slab showed a slight over‐response (at most 2%). At a depth of 15 cm in the lung phantom the over‐response was found to be 7.4% and 3.7% for the 25×25 cm2 field for 6 and 15 MV photons, respectively. When results were presented as correction factors, the discrepancy between the IC‐10 and the EDR was greatest for the lowest energy and the largest field size. The effect of the finite size of the ion chamber was most evident at smaller field sizes where profile differences versus film were observed in the penumbral region. These differences were reduced at larger field sizes and in situations where lateral electron transport resulted in a lateral spread of the beam, such as inside lung material. Film profiles across a lung tumor geometry phantom agreed with the IC‐10 chamber within the experimental uncertainties. From this investigation EDR film appears to be a useful medium for relative dosimetry in higher dose ranges in both water and lung equivalent material for moderate field sizes and depths. © 2003 American College of Medical Physics.
Funding Information
  • National Institutes of Health (P01-CA59827)