The Sign of the Quadrupole Interaction Energy in Diatomic Molecules

The molecular beam magnetic resonance method has been used to determine the sign (and the magnitude in those cases where it has not been previously measured) of the quadrupole interaction energy of the alkali nuclei in the homonuclear molecules, that of Na23 and Li7 in the alkali halides, and that of Cl35 and Cl37 in KCl. An obstacle is inserted into the path of the beam so that its edge coincides with the position of the undeflected beam. Molecules of either positive or negative total magnetic moment are then removed from the beam which arrives at the detector. Certain maxima in the nuclear resonance spectrum at high magnetic fields (eqQgIμ0H) arising from the transitions ΔmI=±1 are suppressed depending on the states removed by the obstacle. It is thus possible to identify the resonance maxima in terms of the transitions which produce them. From this evidence the sign of the quadrupole interaction energy can be deduced. The quadrupole interaction energy, eqQ, is positive for Li7 and negative for Na23 in the homonuclear and the halide molecules. These results suggest that the sign of q at a given nucleus is the same in a rather considerable range of diatomic molecules. The interaction constant, eqQ, is positive for Cs133 in Cs2, and negative for K39 in K2, Rb85, Rb87 in Rb2, and Cl35, Cl37 in KCl. The signs of the interaction for K39, Rb85, Rb87, and Cs133 in the alkali fluorides, and for Cl35, Cl37 in TlCl as determined by the molecular beam electrical resonance method are the same as those for the same nucleus in the molecules here considered.