Within‐individual variation in serum cholesterol levels: association with DNA polymorphisms at the apolipoprotein B and AI‐CIII‐AIV loci in patients with peripheral arterial disease

We have examined the association between variation at the apolipoprotein (apo) B gene and apo AI‐CIII‐AIV gene cluster and within‐individual variation in serum cholesterol levels. Annual measurements were available over a period of 5–10 years in a group of 117 male patients with peripheral arterial disease. The overall within‐individual coefficient of variation in cholesterol levels over time was 13.9%. For all patients, Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) genotype at the apo B gene (Xbal and EcoRI) and apo AI‐CIII‐AIV gene cluster (XmnI, PstI and PvuII‐CIII) had previously been determined. At the apo B locus, individuals heterozygous for either the Xbal or EcoRI RFLP showed significantly greater within‐individual variability over time compared to individuals of other genotypes. At the apo AI‐CIII‐AIV gene cluster, individuals homozygous for the common allele of either the PstI or PvuIIA RFLPs showed the greatest within‐individual variability over time but there was no difference in this estimate associated with XmnI genotype. Our observations suggest that variation at both the apo B and apo AI‐CIII‐AIV loci interacts with unidentified environmental factors to determine individual variability in serum cholesterol levels over time.